Quadratic voting
An important concept to note for Lynqyo-Ecosystem DAO-governance is the concept of Voting Power. The concept of voting power is not new however (also known as quadratic voting) and it has been written about extensively. You can find a link to an article on quadratic voting written by Vitalik Buterin here.
For the DAO, Voting Power is determined by taking the square root of a user’s Ethereum-mainnet $LNQ holdings (in wallet and staked) at a specified "block" per proposal. This block is usually set to be at, or just before the time the proposal goes live.
What does it look like in practice? In short, your n’th unit of voting power costs you $n. For example, your first vote costs you 1 $LNQ, your second 2 $LNQ, your third 3 $LNQ, etc. The effect hereof is immediate, those with large token holdings are adversely affected by this mechanism. What makes this desirable is the fact that it encourages smaller token holders to voice their opinion and makes it much more difficult for large token holders to organize and push through proposals that are not desired.
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